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Gibson has finally done it! The legendary Gibson Greeny Les Paul has been released in both Standard and Custom Shop versions. Check this beauty out NOW before it sells out!!

Gibson Greeny Les Paul Standard Electric Guitar

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Matt Thiessen is a co-founder, singer, guitarist (and more!) in the Christian rock band Relient K.

Let's take a look at some of the gear and equipment that has been seen in Matt's guitar rig.

Matt playing guitar live on stage



CoolClick the gear images for more info and specs at Guitar Center and AmazonCool


Big thanks to Matt Kennedy for research/pictures of Thiessen's rig.

- Gibson ES-335 guitar and other Gibson Hollowbody guitars

Gibson Custom 1959 ES-335 Historic Dot Reissue - cherry

- Gibson Tom Delonge Signature ES-333 (Epiphone version pictured below)

Epiphone Tom Delonge Signature ES-333 Semi-Hollow Electric Guitar

- PRS Singlecut (anyone verifiy that is what the blue guitar is?)

- Gibson Les Paul 'The Paul' model guitar (natural color. Either '79 or 80's model)

- acoustic guitar with LR Baggs M1A active pickup

LR Baggs M1A Active Soundhole Magnetic Pickup

- Gibson Firebird

Gibson Firebird 2010 Electric Guitar - based on 1963 model

Amps and Cabinets
- Bad Cat Lynx 50 amplifier head

- Mesa Dual Rectifier Solo Head

- Bad Cat cabinet


- T-Rex Fuel Tank Chameleon

T-Rex Engineering Fuel Tank Chameleon Power Supply

- TC Electronic Polytune pedal

Tc Electronic Polytune 3 Pedal Tuner

- Sennheiser Wireless Unit

- Visual Sound Jekyll & Hyde pedal

- Visual Sound Route 66 American Overdrive pedal

- MXR Phase 90 pedal

- Boss Chromatic Tuner pedal

- Monster Power PowerCenter

- Mesa Rectifier pedal

Go to the next page for pictures of Matthew's guitar rig.