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Our buddy Miles has major G.A.S. over the Wampler Tumnus overdrive pedal. Could it be the best Klon-style OD pedal for the price? Check this pedal out!

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Kaoru is a Japanese musician who plays guitar in the metal band Dir En Grey.

Let's take a look at some of the guitar gear and equipment that Kaoru has been seen using in his guitar rig.

Kaoru playing guitar on stage



CoolClick the gear images for more info and specs at Guitar Center and AmazonCool


Thanks to Dir En Grey management for providing us with 2011 rig info!

Also see our Dir En Grey Interview for pictures and info.

- ESP D-KV-440 guitar

- ESP D-KV-440-T.O.M guitar

- ESP VP-SL7 guitars

- ESP D-KV-EXL7 guitar

- ESP Ganesa guitars (past)

Amps and cabinets
- Diezel VH4 Amplifier Head

Diezel Vh4 100W Tube Guitar Amp Head

- Bogner 4X12 straight guitar Cabinet (Kaoru told us that he has a new cabinet with quick attack on his gear wishlist)

Bogner 412STU 210W 4x12 Uberkab Guitar Speaker Cabinet

- Mesa or Marshall 4x12 cabs often used on tour

Marshall 1960A or 1960B 300W 4x12 Guitar Extension Cabinet

- Rocktron PatchMate Controller

Rocktron Patchmate Loop 8 MIDI Switcher

- Custom Audio Electronics 4x4 Audio Controller

- Dunlop DCR-ISR Crybaby Rack Wah

- Boss LS-2 Line Selector pedal

- DigiTech WH-1 Whammy pedal (newer version pic below)

DigiTech Whammy Pitch-Shifting Guitar Effects Pedal

- Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man pedal

Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man XO Analog Delay Guitar Effects Pedal

- Electro-Harmonix EH-5000 Frequency Analyzer pedal

- MXR Flanger pedal

MXR M-117R Flanger Effects Pedal

- LINE 6 POD X3 LIVE (newer pod pic below. The X3 is discontinued)

Line 6 POD HD500 Guitar Multi-Effects Processor

- AMT E-1 Legend Amps pedal

- BOSS GE-10 Graphic Equalizer pedal (Boss stopped making the GE-10 in 1985. GE-7 pic below)

- KORG DTR-1 Rack Tuner

- TC Electronic TC 2290 Dynamic Digital Delay